UPSC Civil Services Sarkari Exams

UPSC Civil Services: If two or more candidates have the same marks, now UPSC will apply these rules and designate the rank of the candidates. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has issued revised tie-breaking rules. Whenever two candidates score the same marks, the Commission disengages the rank by applying the tie-breaking rule. UPSC Civil Services Exam (UPSC Civil Services Exam), Combined Medical Sarkari Exams , CDS, NDA, CAPF (AC), CISF (LDCE), Revised Tie-Breaking Rules for Engineering Services Exam and Other Exams released on The Commission has made a tie-breaking rule with two filters for the Sarkari Exams According to this rule, if the first digit and the digit are the same, the rank will be reduced according to the age. If two or more candidates have the same marks, then the number of candidates' compulsory paper and personality test will be better (higher), whose marks will be higher. But if the total marks of both the candidates including co...